Water Filter Material

Natural Zeolite as Filter Material

Natural Zeolite is a direct substitute for quartz sand, currently used in many swimming pools, and has far better results. It significantly reduces costs by removing ammonia using its ion exchange and superior micro-filtration properties. This in turn drastically reduces the amount of chlorine that has to be used. Why? Because for 24hrs a day, every day, it actively removes ammonia and ammonia compounds from the water which get there via sweat and urine emanating from people actually swimming in the water. These pools, if using sand as a filter, quickly eat up the pool chlorine by reacting with it to produce unpleasant, odour causing chloramines. In open air pools, heavy rain can also produce undesirable nitrates that end up in your pool water via wash-in (water running off lawns and gardens and contaminating pool water with organic matter and fertilizers).  

Because individual clinoptilolite grains are not smooth and have an internal honeycomb structure they can attract and bind (prevent escaping) extremely fine dirt particles and algae. This is far better than sand that basically just traps matter between its grains. In practical terms this means that 40% to 50% more can be filtered out of a pool (removed) and because clinoptilolite can capture far smaller particles, the clarity of the water is much better; within hours of replacing sand in filters. Filter-Clino can be used for much longer than sand and reused after backwash. The very good news is that when it eventually needs to be replaced (normally around once a year) it can be then used for another excellent purpose: to improve soil without harming the environment in any way – in this particular case it will slowly release the ammonia, it has collected from the pool. When applied to lawns, flower beds, plants and trees it will produce excellent results in terms of growth. 

Why does Natural Zeolite eventually need to be replaced? Because if a pool is used heavily by a lot of people (particularly outdoors in the sun) sun cream, body oils and sweat all combine to eventually clog the filter medium and backwashing finally just doesn't help anymore.

In large sports centres, where many pools are located, it can prevent serious health issues caused by high density usage. It does this by capturing, and binding into its structure, 'Cryptosporidium.' This is a protozoan parasite which lives as a tiny round oocyst measuring about 4 to 6 microns in diameter, within the stomachs of those already infected. It can then be passed onto others causing diarrhea, cramps, nausea and fever. Natural Zeolite can prevent this happening.

It can also prevent the age old problem of burning eyes which go very red. This is actually caused by ammonia (indoor) and ammonia and nitrates (outdoor) reacting with pool chlorine, to form very unpleasant 'chloramines' (dichloramine and monochloramine) which directly cause the initial burning and then red eyed symptoms that follow.

The chloramines are also responsible for another very common problem which is the horrible chlorine aroma left on the skin after bathing in chlorinated pools. Surprisingly this is not actually caused by chlorine- the guilty party is the Chloramines. Natural Zeolite completely removes this problem.

Natural Zeolite also acts as a filter on the atomic scale (which sand cannot) by absorbing ammonium ions (NH4+) from swimming pool water. This eliminates algae. How? Because of a very strong negative charge that is present within the mineral structure of the pure zeolite-clinoptilolite this attracts positively charged cation contaminants (such as the ammonia) and captures (binds) them so they too cannot escape.

Filter Media for Drinking Water Purification

When used in pressure vessels or gravity flow filtration beds, our zeolite-clinoptilolite filter media offers a far more efficient (superior) solution than other conventional options such as sand, sand and anthracite or multimedia. Our zeolite granules are very pure and because of the minerals unique honeycomb structure, and special ion exchange capability, they are able to not only remove (capture) much smaller particles than normal but also, vitally, bind (capture) toxins, heavy metals and other pollutants. This means, in practical terms, that the health of those who eventually drink/utilise the water is 100% safe guarded.        
It offers a lower DP for a given flow rate. Can capture more (highest solids loading) and therefore reduces the frequency of back washing. This, in turn, reduces energy costs and the amount of water required to actually regenerate the granules. It also offers far better results in terms of filtration at high flux rates.

Can be used, for example, in municipal water treatment plants producing drinking water for the population, bottling plants, emergency situations, in fact anywhere where water, for safe human consumption is a requirement.

Note: When Filter medium is applied to (placed in) filter beds the normal suggested depth is 0.914 meters (3ft). If less than this is used then the solid loading capacity is reduced and therefore the frequency of back washing rises.

We, as a water purification solution partner, fully review each of our clients individual project filtration requirements before offering clear, very specific advice. This includes face to face discussions and visits to site whenever the need arises.